Dramatic Temple to the King
While Luxor might be best known for the Temple of Karnak, in any other city, its Luxor Temple would be a world-renowned destination. It's smaller, more cohesive, yet still incredible and dramatic. As a temple devoted to the cult of the king, it's amazing that it has survived the ages.
Dominic Perry of the History of Egypt podcast appears to discuss the Opet Festival which connected Karnak to Luxor and Lantern Jack of the Ancient Greece Declassified podcast talks about his own travels to Luxor.
In this episode, we go to Luxor to visit its temple. We discuss Hatshepsut: the fascinating woman who became king. We also talk temple-side french fries. While exploring Karnak, consider ending a day with a delicious dish of Om Ali, an Egyptian bread pudding.
Cooney, Kara. The Woman Who Would Be King
The Lonely Planet Guide to Egypt
Roehrig, Catharine H. Hatshepsut, from Queen to Pharaoh
Strudwick, Nigel. Thebes in Egypt: a Guide to the Tombs and Temples of Ancient Luxor
Wilkinson, Richard H. The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt
Photo by Luck-One on wikicommons