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Dead_Sea: Welcome

Disappearing Salt-Saturated Sea

Click here for Episode 15

In the depths of a great rift valley sits a lake at the lowest point on the earth's surface.  The Dead Sea, really a hyper-saline lake, is that rare natural wonder which is as famous for the history that occurred near its shores as for its substantial unique properties.

Near those shores, in the second millennium BCE, the ancient Israelites began to write the world's most read book.  Garry Stephens of the History in the Bible podcast appears to help examine the historical accuracy of the Bible, specifically the Pentateuch: the stories of the Patriarchs and the Exodus.  We discuss the different authors, their perspectives, and the debates around them.


Listeners Lara Rodin and Noah Lew talk about visiting the Dead Sea, and the fun of floating in the saltwater - unless you've got a cut.  Saltwater in the wounds is a real thing.  They also discuss Sfad and Caesarea, with ruins of the ancient Roman port.


Plus delicious food, including Israeli snacks and falafel.











The Bible, New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition

Finkelstein, Israel. The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of its Sacred Texts


Lonely Planet Guide to Israel and the Palestinian Territories

I used other sources on the Dead Sea and the authorship of the Bible, but I neglected to note them at the time.

Photo by David Shankbone on wikicommons

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